Healthy Activity Booklet Feedback

Questions marked with a * are required

We are seeking feedback on "Healthy Activity Booklet: Being Healthy is About Feeling Our Best!" from adults who care for kids ages 5-8. We would also appreciate feedback directly from kids in this age range, if an adult is able to help them fill out the survey. If you haven't already, you can download the activity booklet here: Please encourage the kids you know to work on it!

Apart from the questions about you and any kids who have worked on the pages, all of the following questions are optional. Please feel free to provide input by answering the questions below, writing your suggestions at the end, or emailing your thoughts to [email protected]

If you complete all the questions in this survey by August 31st and provide your email address at the end, you will be entered in a drawing to win one of two $50 Visa gift cards!

We look forward to using your response to help us improve the activity booklet. Thank you for your time and help!
What is your relationship to kid/s ages 5-8?
Do you know a kid who has worked on these pages? If yes, please specify the age/s and gender/s on the line that appears. 
Please let us know your opinion on the following statements.
Unsure or sometimes
The activity pages are appropriate for kids ages 5-8 years
The pages are appropriate for kids of all genders
The pages were well laid out (for example, not too crowded and cluttered)
The wording was simple and easy to understand
The font was easy for kids to read
My kid/s had fun coloring the pages
My kid/s had fun drawing on the pages
My kid/s had fun working on the bingo activity
I would encourage kids to work on these pages
Please describe any problems you notice or ways you think the pages could be improved. If relating to a particular page, please specify.  
Do you have any suggestions for activity pages we could add in the future? 
Do you think we should offer printed copies of the activity booklet?
Do any kids who worked on the pages have other comments or suggestions for us? 
Do you have any other comments or suggestions that were not shared above?
If you would like to be entered into the drawing for a $50 Visa gift card, would be willing to provide more feedback in the future or would like us to follow up with you, please provide your name and email address. 
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